Thursday 10 March 2011

The all important 'spark' of the mysteries of the dating world!

A question that often comes up between single friends is 'When should we feel the spark?'. Some claim within two minutes of meeting someone..if not, drop him like a hot coal after date one. Some say a couple of dates is enough to know..Too harsh perhaps? Or just the ruthless style of dating we have become accustomed to?  A man considered a prospective suitor may tick many of our personal 'boxes' but how do we know if and when it's right,if the 'spark' isn't initially there?

I recently dated a guy who seemed to fit the bill (on paper).  Intelligent, romantic, considerate, honest, attractive and a gent who was far too respectful to be a player. I hear you all now saying 'hellooooo? He sounds perfect!' That's what all my friends said..However, something just didn't click..the said 'spark' just wasn't there. In the end, 6 dates on and those fireworks still hadn't gone off inside. He wanted exclusivity so I had to call it quits and put him out of his bewildered misery.

So do we settle for the decent and loving sorts that don't make our hearts pound or make us melt when they look at us if everything else is perfect? Are we just getting too fussy the older we get? Sensible or too set in our ways? Or deep down are we all desiring the infamous 'bad boy' and the nice guys don't get a look in? 

The crunch is...if there's no spark, we're just not connecting on a true physical and mental level..and it doesn't ever happen no matter how much we want it to. If we don't have a burning desire to rip off their trousers and go girlie when they look deep in our eyes on date one, perhaps the cliche is right...face facts, cut your losses and the next victim!..Onwards and upwards!!

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