Wednesday 16 March 2011

Are women the new 'men' of dating?

Yes, gone are the days of girls going to bars and clubs waiting and hoping to be approached by guys.  From what I see now, it seems the women are on 'the prowl' more so these days. You only have to go to a bar to find girls dressed in the sexiest outfits confidently approaching guys and often making it very clear what they are looking for. More often than not women are more sexually confident and if they want a guy for the night, they know exactly how to find it and have a very direct approach. Let's face it, very few men would turn down such an offer when its handed to them on a plate. Or would they? I hear mixed feedback. Some men are turned off by the new culture and like to do the choosing and stay in control. Others can't believe their luck and love women to be dominant.  And why not? Surely in this day and age of women as equals we have the same desires as men?

Things haven't changed quite so dramatically. Men will still say what women want to hear to get what they want. The difference is that women are just doing it too. If we want a fling for the night, we can now do so without the emotiional ties. We can use a guy for our own temporary pleasure with no strings and no guilt. So what happened? Are we really becoming like men with their animal instinct? Is it revenge? Is it from media? From online sites? Form your own opinion but women are taking control more than ever before.  Afterall, needs must..and sometimes our battery operated friends never quite cut it!

So have the tables turned? Are men becoming lazy or just loving the attention? Probably a combination of the two. The internet has a lot to do with it. We can now log on..browse men in the way that we would shop online and send messages and 'winks' to men without waiting to be approached and checked out first. Afterall, it's often costing us money so we want to make the most out of it.

I was recently messaged by a single girl in her thirties on a dating site..she asked me how I was getting on and took great pleasure in telling me that every date she sets up results in her getting the guy into her car and having sex of some kind. It gives her great pleasure and she loves the thrill and isn't ready for a relationship. These men can't believe their luck, it seems!

Men love to be 'selected' from hundreds of others as a potential date, partner or one night stand..and let's face it, flattery and ego boosting goes a long way.  Men lap it up.  A way to a man's heart may be via his stomach but a way to a guy's pants is to make a fast move.  Many women cut straight to the chase and use sites purely for sexual encounters..personally, I think it's worth a chat over dinner or a drink to be sure but many girls now just lose the middle man and go for the kill. The only area that needs to be considered is of course the safety aspect. What do you know about a strange guy you have taken home? Should you keep an axe under the bed or your wallet in the safe? We all take risks now and then which sometimes don't bear thinking about in the cold light of day!

Ultimately, surely if there are two consenting adults..where's the harm? If you know what you want, go for it, right? We're not all cut from the same cloth, but if a woman desires male company or a night of passion but doesn't want a relationship, why can't she do just what men have been doing for years?

1 comment:

  1. hi there, i think that the roles of men and women are determined by a society that harkens back to a time when men where the hunters and women were the nurterers. In this day and age often times women hunt, gather anf nurture, so men are becoming redundant for the most part. Yes we all love the pampering and the flattery that goes with it, but honestly i dont think any women i know will shrivel up and die if there's no male attention in her life. I believe we as a society are evolving into a state where the diffrences in the sexes are blurring. Who knows maybe in a few hundred years or so we're all gonna become a an androgenous species...shudder!
